Differential Diagnosis of the Spine Parts 1-3 and BONUS section
Differential diagnosis fo the spine can be challenging and in this course you will review assessment techniques and methods to determine an array of disorders you had not considered. The 4th section of this course is included as a BONUS section for therapists interested in learning about the lumbar spine, pelvis and hip..
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CEU: .3 NBCOT ® 3.75 PDUs
ContactHours: 3
Delaying proper treatment due to poor diagnosis is detrimental to a patient’s well being. The sooner a patient with a non-musculoskeletal issue is referred to the correct practitioner, the sooner the patient will receive the best and most appropriate treatment. Differential diagnosis fo the spine can be challenging and in this course you will review assessment techniques and methods to determine an array of disorders you had not considered. The 4th section of this course is included as a BONUS section for therapists interested in learning about the lumbar spine, pelvis and hip..
- Save over $20 with this package promotion- limited time
- Part 1 reviews differential diagnosis of the spine
- Part 2 reviews the cervical spine and cranial regions
- Part 3 delves into the differntial diagnosis of the thoracic spine and thorax
- Part 4 BONUS section deals with the lumbar spine, pelvis and hip
- This course dives into topics to facilitate the practioners ability to determine sources of pain and dysfunction that are frequently missed or disguised.
- Participants have one year to access the CEU course and exam to obtain CEUs.
- NBCOT® is a registered trademark of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. and does not promote or endorse our specific courses, services or training.

Treatment2go is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD approval ID #3397. This distance learning-independent activity is offered at CEU’s, intermediate, foundational Knowledge. The assignment of AOTA CEU Does not imply endorsement of specific Course content, products, or clinical Procedures by AOTA.