Practice Exam (4)
Updated! New: each question has explanation & reference.
Our practice exams are mentioned multiple times in the HTCC Exam Preparation Survey. Taking practice exams is also listed under general tips on the review. No CEUs are awarded with this product. Practice your Hand Exam test taking skills with our Online Exam. Once you purchase, you will receive an email with your login and password. You can take the test up to THREE times at no additional charge.
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All courses single user only. Click Here for multi-user or licensure discounts info.
Updated! New: each question has explanation & reference.
Must have practice exam to help solidify your knowledge. Practice exams are for practice only NO CEUs, allowed 3 retakes without additional costs and available for 6 months from date of purchase.
Our practice exams are mentioned multiple times in the HTCC Exam Preparation Survey as a TOP study tool when preparing for the CHT exam. Taking practice exams is also listed under general tips on the review.
No CEUs are awarded with this product. Practice your Hand Exam test taking skills with our Online Exam.
Once you purchase, you will receive an email with your login and password. Login in to our exam center and take your exam. You can take the test up to THREE times at no additional charge. (expires 6 months after purchase) This exam is 200 questions and covers a wide variety of hand therapy topics.
Note: These are NOT the same questions from the Basics and Beyond examination. IMPORTANT: Distribution of your UserID and password to other users will result in termination of your online practice exam access.
Downloadable PDF includes references and test-taking tips
- Excellent to solidify your hand and upper extremity knowledge
- Purchase multi exams in our package to save money
- All of our practice exams have been rated TOPS by test takers and by the HTCC exam prep. Survey
- Single user only
- Allowed 3 exam retakes and available for 6 months from date of purchase
- Updated
- Each Question has answer, explanation and reference
- Rated tops by Certified Hand Therapy Test Takers via HTCC survey
16 reviews for Practice Exam (4)
- Participants have one year to access the CEU course and exam to obtain CEUs.
- NBCOT® is a registered trademark of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. and does not promote or endorse our specific courses, services or training.

Treatment2go is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD approval ID #3397. This distance learning-independent activity is offered at 0 CEU’s, intermediate, foundational Knowledge. The assignment of AOTA CEU Does not imply endorsement of specific Course content, products, or clinical Procedures by AOTA.
Tiffany Patterson MOT –
Your products were very helpful in studying for the CHT. I am proud to announce that I passed on my first attempt. Thank you for providing excellent resources.
Kevin Boyles OTR/L CHT –
I purchased the Basics and Beyond package to study for the CHT test. I took the CHT the year before and didn’t do well. The CD and the practice exams were definately helpful in prepare for the exam. If I didn’t have the purple book and the practice exam I don’t think I would have passed the CHT this year.
Debra Francis –
Dear Susan and Nancy,
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I just found out I passed the 2007 CHT exam! YAAAAYYY!!!!!
Oh my God! I could not have done it without you. Thank you for all the courses, but especially Basics and Beyond, The Purple Book and the practice exams. All were absolutely essential for my success.
I cannot express my appreciation enough for you two FABULOUS women. You answered every cry for help either by email and incredibly even by telephone. As I have said before I have never had this level of professionalism, customer support, technical support and genuine caring from any other professional organization in our field. And I have been an OT for 25 years!
Joining EHT was the best thing I have ever done! It is money well spent! In my opinion, EHT is essential for any therapist who wants to elevate his or her level of practice.
Thank you again! Much love to you both, God Bless and Happy Holidays!
Debra Francis, OTR/L, CHT!!!!
Anonymous –
The test result are in and I passed…….yeah for me !!!! ……….. i honestly
can’t believe it …….. I don’t think i would have passed without this forum ,
your guidance and the test materials ……… This means so much to me !!!!
Words can not express my gratitude….. thanks again !!!!!!!
Anonymous –
Helped me to learn my strengths and weaknesses before the exam